A) Professional/Legal Name: Carla B. Smiley. I go by Brandi :)
B) Your Occupation: Doctor of Audiology
C) Fun fact about yourself: I used to play 4 instruments--piano, flute, piccolo and oboe. I still play the flute from time to time but am a bit rusty.
D) How did you learn of the Business of Dreams Course? By being a long-time follower of Pastor Rachel.
D) What you expect to gain out of the BOD course: I would like for my dreams to go to the next level. My dreams have lessened and I have shifted more into the interpretation but I love to dream, I love to dissect the prophetic messages given to me. Especially during this time of my life where I am trusting God whole-heartedly with my business. I want to be clear on my steps. When I stop dreaming, I feel like God has stopped talking to me, so whatever I need to do to correct that, I am all in.
Glad to be amongst fellow dreamers!