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Wealthy Dreamers 2024

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Business of Dreams presents Wealthy Dreamers, a campaign purposed to not only make people aware of the wealth that lies in their dreams, but to also coach and assist dreamers to manifest the wealth connected to those dreams. Wealthy Dreamers is not simply geared to finances. No,  Wealthy Dreamers frees people from all areas of oppression including physical and mental health. Many answers to a prosperous life lay hidden in your dreams and Wealthy Dreamers offers a significant amount of knowledge, support, and resources to see the dreamers emerge as the Wealthy Dreamer that they are.

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Wealthy Dreamers 6 Week intensive

Are you ready to be pushed, challenged, and groomed into the wealthy dreamer that you are? Are you ready to reach your full potential as a wealthy dreamer? Are you ready to fully uncover and come into alignment with what it will take to manifest what it is that God has revealed to you in your dream? Then, this 6 week intensive is for you! The course is comprised of 6 intense modules that will activate and ignite the dreamer in you:


Module 1: Wealthy Dreamer Defined

Module 2: Wealthy Dreamers Activate: Practical Applications to Strengthen Your Dream Activity and Dream Ability to Recall Your Dreams

Module 3: The Dream Language of a Wealthy Dreamer: Applications to Accurate Interpretation

Module 4: Wealthy Dreamers Dream Clinic (Personal Interpretation of Dreams accompanied with Prophetic Coaching into Manifestation)

Module 5: Customizing the Response Plan to Your Dreams

Module 6: Prophetic Intercession to stir WEALTH connected to the DREAM


Course Fee: $210 (One time payment) or $240 (6 Weekly Payments of $40)

Course Time: Thursdays 8:00pm-9:20pm

Course Location: Virtual via Zoom


Choose a payment option below to register for the course today.


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Click the link below to be redirected to Wealthy Dreamers Reloaded 2.0 Event Page

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Meet us quarterly, Saturdays via zoom in the Wealthy Dreamers Boardroom for dream nuggets, dream interpretation, and dream coaching. This is a safe place for every dreamer to develop as the wealthy dreamer that they are. 

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Our children are dreaming and what better time to cultivate the dreamer in them. Often times parents do not know how to nurture a dreaming child, but we have some knowledge on that. In June we will have a fun and engaging night of dream training, prayer, and prophecy for the child. Stay tuned...

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